Third meeting of the WG on Resolution of cross-border family conflicts, Madrid, 11-13 December 2012.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012 to Thursday, December 13, 2012

This meeting takes place under the second main component of the project: Resolution of Cross-Border Family Conflicts. The objectives of this activity will be to have a preliminary review of actual or potential obstacles to the adoption of the Hague Conventions related to the this component and, as main objective, to prepare a handbook which identifies best practices concerning the resolution of cross-border family conflicts. The Handbook shall take into account the experience of the Hague Conference and of the Malta Process and in particular “the General Principles and the Guide to Good Practice on Transfrontier Contact concerning Children” prepared by the Hague Conference on Private International Law. This is the third of 5 meetings devoted to this issue and will focus more particularly on “Resolution of cross-border family conflicts: custody and visiting rights. Private International Law and mixed marriages. Special reference to child abduction.” 

During this third meeting, we will continue the work started on the occasion of the first and second meting and will have a new opportunity to share the international experts’ opinion and the participants’ first approach on the main topics to be discussed from their own perspective and respective competences. Through an in-depth and detailed discussion, we will have a profound exchange on the main topic addressed during this meeting.

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