Research Report 2, Comparative review of national experiences in the field of resolution of cross-border family conflicts. Validation meeting

Friday, March 8, 2013

This meeting takes place under the second component of the Euromed Justice III project on “Resolution of cross-border family conflicts.” The objective of this activity is the validation of the Research Report on “Current situation in the ENPI South region and comparative review of national experiences in the field of resolution of cross-border family conflicts” drawn up by the Main short-term expert in charge of this Research Report.  


The validation meeting will be a plenary session. Given the high-level profile of the participants, the representatives of the ENPI South partner countries should have an active role during the discussions. It would be advisable that the participants who take part in this meeting, and are involved in this activity, are the same persons who answered the questionnaire or helped in doing so in their country.

Research Reports Meetings

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